
Aging and Oral Health: What You Need to Know

Aging and Oral Health: What You Need to Know

Dental health is a common challenge for older adults. Aging impacts our oral health, increasing the risk of tooth loss and other dental concerns.


Elderly teeth falling out is a worldwide problem that impacts the quality of life for older people. The good news is that there are several ways to mitigate the risk and ensure healthy smiles for seniors.


Learn more about the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and how to prevent it.

How Aging Affects Dental Health

Aging is a natural process, but it impacts every part of our bodies. Each cell we have changes as we get older, including those in our mouth. So, naturally, aging also impacts our oral health. It also affects our dexterity, and ability to care for our smiles. For these reasons, older adults more commonly face gum disease, tooth decay, and teeth falling out.

Gum Disease Can Cause Tooth Loss

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. Periodontal disease is an infection of the supporting tissue around teeth. If not addressed early on, it will eventually lead to tooth loss. Gingivitis is the first stage, marked by gum irritation and bleeding. Treatment during this stage can reverse the disease and protect your natural teeth. Regular dental visits can help seniors catch and treat gum disease early on.

Fewer Dental Visits

But what else causes teeth to fall out in the elderly? Not getting the proper dental care is one common concern for older adults. While aging impacts the mouth directly, it also can make at-home dental care more difficult for older adults.


That’s why professional dental care is so important. However, many seniors do not get dental care as often as they need it. Transportation, cost, and several other factors may keep older adults from coming to the dentist. However, regular dental cleanings, exams, and treatment are vital for keeping seniors’ smiles healthy.

Visit Our Dentist for Seniors in London, ON

Regular dental care is the best way to keep elderly teeth from falling out. Visit Alba Dental Centre for a compassionate, knowledgeable dentist for seniors in London. We provide a welcoming environment for elderly dental care, doing everything we can to help seniors enjoy healthy smiles for longer.


Book your appointment for senior dentistry in London today!

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