
Should I Get a Dental Bridge or Dental Implant?

Should I Get a Dental Bridge or Dental Implant?

Replacing missing teeth helps to restore your smile’s appearance, strength, and function. 


Two common tooth replacement solutions include tooth bridges or implants. 


Knowing the differences between them can help you choose the best solution for your needs.


Here’s what you need to know about implants vs bridges. 

Dental Bridges: What Are They?

A dental bridge is a restoration to fill the gap between missing teeth. It consists of artificial teeth that are held in place by crowns on the adjacent natural teeth. There are different types of dental bridges, such as traditional bridges, cantilever bridges, and Maryland bridges, each designed for specific situations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Bridges

  1. Quick Process: Getting a dental bridge usually requires only two dental visits, making it a faster option compared to implants.
  2. Cost-Effective: Bridges generally cost less upfront than dental implants.
  3. Non-surgical: This procedure does not require surgery, making it less invasive and suitable for patients with certain health conditions.
  1. Durability: Dental bridges typically last between 5 to 15 years, which is less than dental implants.
  2. Impact on Adjacent Teeth: The abutment teeth need to be filed down to place the crowns, which can weaken them.
  3. Bone Loss: Bridges do not prevent bone loss in the jaw, which can occur where the tooth is missing.

Dental Implants: What Are They?

Dental implants are a long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. The dentist surgically inserts a titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as a root for the artificial tooth. After the post is placed, it must heal and fuse to the jawbone before the dentist must attach a crown to the post. Implants provide a strong and natural-looking replacement tooth.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Implants

  1. Longevity: Implants can last a lifetime with proper care, making them a durable and long-term solution.
  2. Bone Preservation: The titanium post stimulates the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining the structure of the face.
  3. Natural Look and Feel: Implants look and function like natural teeth, offering unparalleled comfort. 
  1. Higher Cost: Implants are more expensive than bridges, especially when used for multiple teeth. 
  2. Longer Treatment Time: The implant process can take several months due to the healing period required between the placement of the post and the crown.
  3. Surgical Procedure: Since implants require surgery, not all patients are candidates, especially those with certain health conditions or insufficient bone density.

Which Option is Best for You? Implants vs Bridges in London, ON

Choosing between dental bridges and implants depends on several factors, including:
  • Overall dental health
  • Budget
  • Dental insurance coverage
  • Personal preferences
Consult with a dental professional to evaluate your dental needs and determine the best treatment plan.

Visit Alba Dental Centre for Tooth Replacement in London, ON

Replace missing teeth with the best restoration for you with the help of our restorative dental team at Alba Dental Centre.  Whether you’re considering dental bridges or implants, we can help you restore your smile. We start by assessing your dental needs and helping you determine the right option for you. 


Don’t let missing teeth affect your confidence and oral health any longer. Contact Alba Dental Centre today to schedule a consultation and explore your tooth replacement options.

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