
Tips for Choosing The Perfect Veneers for Your Smile

Tips for Choosing The Perfect Veneers for Your Smile

If you want a better smile or a major change, veneers could be your answer. These thin porcelain layers, applied by our skilled dentists at Alba Dental Centre in London, fix many tooth issues. With veneers, we can address the look of tooth chips and stains, giving your smile a fresh look.


Picking the right veneers is about understanding what suits your face and style. Here are some easy tips to find the perfect fit for you.

Know Your Face Shape

Before choosing veneers, think about your face shape. Each shape suits a different type of veneer. For a square jaw, full-coverage porcelain veneers work best. They cover your teeth completely, balancing your face. If you have an oval face or high cheekbones, go for thinner and more natural-looking veneers.

Choosing the Right Color Veneers

When it comes to the color of veneer teeth, keep it simple:

Natural Look: Veneers can make your smile brighter, but don't go too bright. For a full set, pick a shade a bit lighter than your natural teeth. If it's just a few teeth, make sure they match your natural ones.

Skin and Hair Harmony: Consider your skin and hair color. Darker features don't need very white veneers to look bright. Choose a color that blends well with your overall look.

About Veneer Costs in London

The cost of veneers depends on how they’re put on and the materials used. At Alba Dental Centre, we have options for different budgets. Veneers directly on teeth cost less than fancier ones. Older methods take more time, so they can be pricier.


After assessing your veneer needs, we will provide you with a custom quote. Our dental team is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Schedule Your Veneer Consultation in London, ON

For top-notch dental care, including veneers, Alba Dental Centre is here for you. Our knowledgeable cosmetic dentist is ready to help you get the smile you want. We help you choose the right veneers for your smile, helping you get one that you love to show off.


Visit our website or call our clinic to schedule your veneer consultation in.  We look forward to making your smile shine!

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